Journals |
J. com
Jadeed science (urdu)
Jadeed zarait (urdu)
Janes defence weekly
Janes missiles and rockets
Janes navy international
Japan agricultural research
Japan echo
Japan pesticide information
Japanese Bulletin of Arts Therapy
Japanese journal of botany
Japanese journal of clinical oncology
Japanese journal of experimental medicine
Japanese journal of geology and geography
Japanese journal of mathematics
Japanese journal of ryodoraku medicine
Japanese journal of the atomic energy society of japan
Japanese journal of zoology
Jarq japan agricultural research quarterly
Jeol news electron optics instruments
Jetp letters
Jicst abstracts series agro industries
Jicst abstracts series renewable energy
Jikeikai medical journal
Jircas international symposium series
Jircas Journal of Scientific Paper
Jircas newsletter
Jordan Journal of Chemistry
Journal for Scientific Research
Journal for the history of arabic science
Journal Geographic
Journal of automobile engineering , proceedings of the I mech E part-D
Journal of abstract and reviews: economics
Journal of acoustic emission
Journal of Administration Overseas
Journal of advanced nursing
Journal of advertising research
Journal of affective disorders
Journal of agri & food research
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry
Journal of agricultural economic research
Journal of agricultural economics
Journal of agricultural engineering
Journal of Agricultural Research
Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences
Journal of Agriculture and Social Sciences
Journal of aircraft
Journal of Allama Iqbal Medical College
Journal of allergy and clinical immunology
Journal of alloys and compounds (formerly: journal of the less common metals)
Journal of american academy of dermatology
Journal of american chemical society
Journal of american college of cardiology
Journal of american health information management
Journal Of American Society for Mass Spectrometry
Journal of american society of nephrology
Journal of american water works association
Journal of anaesthesia and critical care
Journal of analytical and environmental chemistry
Journal of analytical chemistry
Journal of analytical chemistry of ussr
Journal of anatomy
Journal of andrology
Journal of Animal and Plant sciences
Journal of animal ecology
Journal of animal health and production
Journal of animal science
Journal of antibiotics
Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy
Journal of aoac
Journal of Applied and Emerging Sciences
Journal of applied bacteriology
Journal of applied chemistry
Journal of applied chemistry and biotechnology
Journal of applied chemistry of ussr
Journal of applied ecology
Journal of applied econometrics
Journal of applied electrochemistry
Journal of applied mechanics
Journal of applied physics
Journal of applied physiology
Journal of applied polymer science
Journal of applied psychology
Journal of applied science and engineering
Journal of applied toxicology
Journal of architectural education
Journal of Asian and African Studies
Journal of asian civilizations
journal of Asian Natural Products Research
Journal of asian studies
Journal of asiatic society of bengal
Journal of atmospheric chemistry
Journal of atmospheric science
Journal of Ayub Medical College
Journal of bacteriology
Journal of bahrain medical society
Journal of bangladesh academy of sciences
Journal of banking and finance
Journal of Baqai Medical University
Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences
Journal of Behavioral Sciences
Journal of beijing university of traditional chinese medicines
Journal of biochemical and biophysical methods
Journal of biochemistry
Journal of biochemistry, molecular biology & biophysics
Journal of biological chemistry
Journal of biological science research
Journal of Biological Sciences
Journal of biomechanical engineering
Journal of Biomolecular Screening
Journal of bioscience & bioengineering
Journal of biosocial sciences
Journal of biotechnology
Journal of bone and joint surgery american volume
Journal of bone and joint surgery british volume
Journal of bone and joint surgery quinquennial index
Journal of bone and mineral research
Journal of building research
Journal of business
Journal of Business & Economics
Journal of business and economic statistics
Journal of Business and Society
Journal of business finance and accounting
Journal of business management
Journal of Business Strategies
Journal of canada pakistan cooperation
Journal of canadian petroleum technology
Journal of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia
Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology
Journal of cardiovascular surgery
Journal of cataract and refractive surgery
Journal of cell biology
Journal of cell science
Journal of cellular physiology
Journal of central asia
Journal of cereal science
Journal of change management
Journal of chemical and engineering data
Journal of chemical documentation
Journal of chemical education
Journal of chemical engineering of japan
Journal of Chemical Information and modelling
Journal of chemical physics
Journal of Chemical Society of Pakistan
Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology
Journal of chemistry
Journal of child psychology and psychiatry and allied disciplines
Journal of chiropractice
Journal of chromatographic sciences
Journal of chromatography
Journal of chronic diseases
Journal of clinical and hospital pharmacy
Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism
Journal of clinical epidemiology
Journal of clinical ethics
Journal of clinical investigation
Journal of clinical microbiology
Journal of clinical oncology
Journal of clinical pathology
Journal of clinical pharmacology
Journal of clinical psychiatry
Journal of clinical ultrasound
Journal of College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan
Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry
Journal of common market studies
Journal of communicable diseases
Journal of Communication
Journal of comparative physiology a and b
Journal of computational physics
Journal of computer and system sciences
Journal of computer assisted tomography
Journal of construction engineering and management
Journal of consumer research
Journal of contemporary asia
Journal of continuing education in nursing
Journal of cranio maxillofacial surgery
Journal of cross cultural psychology
Journal of crystal growth
Journal of current laser abstracts
Journal of cyclic nucleotide protein phosphorylatic research
Journal of dairy science
Journal of democracy
Journal of developing areas
Journal of development economics
Journal of development planning
Journal of development studies
Journal of developmental studies
Journal of dhaka medical college
Journal of Diabates and its Complications
Journal of diarrhoeal diseases research
Journal of documentation
Journal of donghus university , former journal of china textile university
Journal of Dow University of Health Sciences
Journal of drainage and water management
Journal of earthquake engineering
Journal of ecology
Journal of economic cooperation among islamic countries
Journal of economic dynamics and control
Journal of economic entomology
Journal of economic issues
Journal of economic literature
Journal of economic perspectives
Journal of economic theory
Journal of Education and Research
Journal of Education Research
Journal of Educational Research
Journal of electrical engineering and technology
Journal of electro chemical society
Journal of electroanalytical chemistry and interfacial electrochemistry
Journal of electrochemical of india
Journal of electron spectroscopy and related phenomena
Journal of electronic materials
Journal of Elementary Education
Journal of emergency nursing
Journal of endocrinological investigation
Journal of endocrinology
Journal of endocrinology and metabolism
Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Journal of engineering education
Journal of engineering for gas turbine and power
Journal of engineering for industry
Journal of engineering islamic republic of iran
Journal of engineering manufacture, proceedings of the I mech E part-B
Journal of engineering mathematics
Journal of engineering sciences
Journal of entrepreneurship
Journal of environment and development
Journal of environmental engineering
Journal of environmental health
Journal of environmental management
Journal of environmental quality
Journal of environmental science and health part a
Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry
Journal of epidemiology and community health
Journal of ethnopharmacology
Journal of experimental and clinical cancer research
Journal of experimental botany
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology
Journal of experimental medicine
Journal of experimental zoology
Journal of faculty of engineering & technology
Journal of Faculty of Pharmacy of Ankara University
Journal of family practice
Journal of farm economics
Journal of ferrocement
Journal of finance
Journal of financial economics
Journal of financial management and analysis
Journal of financial services marketing
Journal of fish biology
Journal of fluid mechanics
Journal of food agriculture & environment science and technology
Journal of food processing and preservation
Journal of food science
Journal of food science and technology
Journal of forensic sciences
Journal of friction and wear
Journal of gastroenterology
Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology
Journal of gender
Journal of Gender and Social Issues
Journal of general and applied microbiology
Journal of General Chemistry of the USSR
Journal of general microbiology
Journal of general physiology
Journal of general virology
Journal of geochemical exploration (association of exploration -geochemists)
Journal of geology
Journal of geophysical research
Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering (asce)
Journal of guidance control and dynamics
Journal of hand surgery
Journal of hazardous materials
Journal of health administration education
Journal of health economics
Journal of heat transfer
Journal of hebei college of geology
Journal of helminthology
Journal of hepatology
Journal of heredity
Journal of heterocyclic chemistry
Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences
Journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry
Journal of history and philosophy of science
Journal of human hypertension
Journal of human resources
Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
Journal of hydraulic engineering
Journal of hydraulics division
Journal of hygiene
Journal of hygiene epidemiology microbiology and immunology
Journal of ima
Journal of immunological methods
Journal of immunology
Journal of Independent Studies and Research
Journal of Independent Studies and Research on Computing
Journal of indian potato association
Journal of indian society of agricultural engineers
Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry
Journal of industrial economics
Journal Of Industrial Textiles
Journal of infection
Journal of Infection and Public Health
Journal of infectious diseases
Journal of Information and Communication Technology
Journal of information science
Journal of inorganic and nuclear chemistry ( new title: polyhedron)
Journal of insect physiology
Journal of Institute of Bankers in Pakistan
Journal of institution of electrical and electronics engineers
Journal of institutional and theoretical economics
Journal of Intellectual Property Rights
Journal of international development
Journal of international economics
Journal of International Marketing
Journal of international trade and economic development
Journal of invertebrate pathology
Journal of investigative medicine
Journal of Iran University of Medical Sciences
Journal of irrigation and drainage engineering
Journal of islamic academy of sciences
Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance
Journal of islamic studies
Journal of Japan Pediatric Society/Acta Pediatrica Japonica
Journal of karachi physics society
Journal of laboratory and clinical medicine
Journal of labour economics
Journal of laryngology and otology
Journal of law and Society
Journal of Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences
Journal of lightwave technology
Journal of lipid research
Journal of liquid chromatography
Journal of macroeconomics
Journal of macromolecular science part c: reviews in macromolecular chemistry
Journal of magnetic resonance
Journal of mammalogy
Journal of Management and Social Sciences
Journal of management in engineering
Journal of management information system
Journal of Managerial Sciences
Journal of manufacturing systems
Journal of marketing
Journal of Marketing Management
Journal of marketing research
Journal of Marriage and the Family
Journal of Mass Communication
Journal of Mass Spectrometry
Journal of materials engineering
Journal of materials engineering and performance
Journal of materials research
Journal of materials science
Journal of materials science letters
Journal of materials science: materials in electronics
Journal of materials science: materials in medicine
Journal of materials: design and applications: proceedings of the I mech E part-L
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications
Journal of mathematical and physical sciences
Journal of mathematical economics
Journal of mathematical physics
Journal of mathematical sciences
Journal of mathematics
Journal of mechanical engineering science
Journal of mechanics and physics of solids
Journal of Media Studies
Journal of medical education
Journal of medical genetics
Journal of medical microbiology
Journal of Medical Research
Journal of Medical Science
Journal of medical society toho university
Journal of Medicinal Chemisrty
Journal of medicinal chemistry
Journal of medicine
Journal of medicine and philosophy
Journal of membrane biology
Journal of membrane science
Journal of mental deficiency research
Journal of metals
Journal of micro computer applications
Journal of microbiology epidemiology and immunobiology
Journal of microscopy
Journal of midwifery and women's health
Journal of mississippi state medical association
Journal of mixed methods research
Journal of modern medical science
Journal of modern optics (formerly: optica acta)
Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology
Journal of molecular biology
Journal of Molecular Endocrinology
Journal of Molecular Evolution
Journal of Molecular Science
Journal of monetary economics
Journal of Money Credit and Banking
Journal of morphology
Journal of Muhammad Medical College
Journal of nara medical association/nara igaku zasshi
Journal of natural history
Journal of natural products
Journal of Natural Sciences and mathematics
Journal of Natural Toxins
Journal of near eastern studies
Journal of nematology
Journal of nephrology, urology and transplantation
Journal of neuro surgery
Journal of neurological sciences
Journal of neurological surgery
Journal of neurology, neurosurgery and psychiatry
Journal of neurophysiology
Journal of neuroscience methods
Journal of neurosurgery
Journal of new horizons
Journal of nippon medical school
Journal of nuclear energy
Journal of nuclear energy part a/b: reactor science and technology
Journal of nuclear materials
Journal of nuclear medicine
Journal of nuclear medicine technology (jnmt)
Journal of nuclear science and technology
Journal of nurse midwifery
Journal of nursing administration
Journal of nursing education
Journal of nursing management
Journal of nursing scholarship
Journal of nursing staff development (jnsd)
Journal of nutrition
Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology
Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology research
Journal of obstetrics gynaecologic and neonatal nursing
Journal of occupational accidents
Journal of occupational and environmental medicine
Journal of occupational medicine
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking
Journal of optics
Journal of optoelectronics and advanced materials
Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery
Journal of organic chemistry
Journal of organic chemistry of ussr
Journal of organizational behavior
Journal of organometallic chemistry
Journal of orthodontics
Journal of otolaryngology
Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists
Journal of Pakistan Dental Association
Journal of Pakistan Institute of Chemical Engineers
Journal of pakistan institute of medical sciences
Journal of Pakistan Medical Association
Journal of Pakistan Orthopedic Association
Journal of Pakistan Psychiatric Society
Journal of palestine studies 1971
Journal of parallel and distributed computing
Journal of parasitology
Journal of pathology
Journal of pathology and bacteriology
Journal of peasant studies
Journal of pediatric hematology / oncology (jpho)
Journal of pediatrics
Journal of pediatrics gastroenterology and nutrition
Journal of pediatrics nursing
Journal of pediatrics orthopaedics
Journal of pediatrics surgery
Journal of perinatal and neonatal nursing
Journal of petroleum technology
Journal of pharmaceutical sciences
Journal of pharmaco kinetics and biopharmaceutics
Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics
Journal of pharmacy
Journal of pharmacy and pharmacology
Journal of phase equilibria (formerly: the bulletin of alloy phase diagrams and incorporating the journal of alloy phase diagrams)
Journal of physical chemistry
Journal of physics
Journal of physics (b) atomic, molecular and optical physics
Journal of physics (d) applied physics (formerly: british journal of app physics)
Journal of physics a mathematical and general (formerly: proceedings of physical society)
Journal of physics and chemistry of solids
Journal of physics c solid state physics
Journal of physics g nuclear physics
Journal of physics: B: Atomic and molecular physics
Journal of physics: condensed matter (formerly: journal of physics)
Journal of physics: D: Applied physics
Journal of physiology
Journal of Plankton Research
Journal of planning education and research
Journal of Plant Regesteration
Journal of plasma physics
journal of plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery (formerly: british journal of plastic surgery)
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management
Journal of policy modelling
Journal of political economy
Journal of Political Science
Journal of polymer science: a: polymer chemistry edition
Journal of polymer science: b: polymer physics edition
Journal of polymer science: c: polymer letters edition
Journal of polymer science: macromolecular reviews
Journal of portfolio management
Journal of Postgraduate Medical Institute peshawar
Journal of power and energy: proceedings of the I mech E part A
Journal of power sources
Journal of process mechanical engineering: proceedings of the I mech E part E
Journal of productivity analysis
Journal of professional nursing
Journal of propulsion and power
Journal of protein chemistry
Journal of protozoology
Journal of psychiatry-neurology
Journal of psychosocial nursing and mental health services
Journal of psychosomatic research
Journal of public economics
Journal of public health medicine
Journal of public transportation
Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences
Journal of Quality and Technology Management
Journal of quality technology
Journal of quantitative spectroscopy and radiative transfer
Journal of radiological protection
Journal of Rawalpindi Medical College
Journal of regional cultural institute
Journal of regional science
Journal of regional studies
Journal of rehabilitation research and development
Journal of Religious Studies
Journal of reproduction and fertility
Journal of reproductive immunology
Journal of reproductive medicine
Journal of Research
Journal of Research (Humanities)
Journal of research and development
Journal of Research in Architecture and Planning
Journal of research of national bureau of standards
Journal of Research Science
Journal of Research Society of Pakistan
Journal of Reserch and Reflections in Education
Journal of rheumatology
Journal of risk and reliability: proceedings of the I mech E part O
Journal of royal college of general practitioners
Journal of royal college of physicians of london
Journal of royal society of medicine
Journal of royal statistical society series a: general society
Journal of royal statistical society series b: methodological
Journal of royal statistical society series c: applied statistics
Journal of Rural Development and Administration
Journal of russian laser research (formerly: journal of soviet laser research)
Journal of S& T Policy and Scientometrics
Journal of Saidu Medical College
Journal of Saudi Chemical Society
Journal of science
Journal of science and engineering research
Journal of Science and Technology
Journal of science islamic republic of iran
Journal of scientific and industrial research
Journal of Scientific Research
Journal of sedimentary petrology
Journal of semitic studies
Journal of services institute of medical sciences
Journal of Sheikh Zayed Medical College
Journal of social issues
Journal of social psychology
Journal of Social Sciences
Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
Journal of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Research
Journal of solution chemistry
Journal of south asian and middle eastern studies
Journal of soviet laser research (new title: journal of russian laser research)
Journal of statistical physics
Journal of Statistics
Journal of stored products research
Journal of strain analysis for engineering design
Journal of structural chemistry ussr
Journal of structural engineering
Journal of surgery
Journal of Surgery Pakistan
Journal of surgical oncology
Journal of surgical research
Journal of surveying engineering
Journal of Sustainable Agriculture
Journal of sustainable development
Journal of synchrotron radiation
Journal of synthetic methods
Journal of systems and control engineering: proceedings of the I mech E part I
Journal of Systems Management
Journal of teacher education
Journal of technical physics
Journal of testing and evaluation
Journal of Textile Engineering (Formerly: Journal of the Textile Machinery Society of Japan)
Journal of textile institute
Journal of the acm
Journal of the Amercan Chemical Society
Journal of the american academy of ophthalmology
Journal of the american ceramic society abstracts
Journal of the american chemical society
Journal of the american college of surgeons (formerly: surgery: gynaecology and obstetrics)
Journal of the american leather chemists association
Journal of the american medical association
Journal of the american medical association pakistan
Journal of the american medical record association
Journal of the american society for information science
Journal of the American Veterinary
Journal of the Arab Board of Medical Specialization
Journal of the asiatic society of pakistan
Journal of the association for computing machinery
Journal of the astronautical sciences
Journal of the atmospheric sciences
Journal of the Bahrain Medical Society
Journal of the bombay natural history society
Journal of the british medical association (bmj)
Journal of the chemical society, faraday transaction i
Journal of the chemical society, faraday transactions ii
Journal of the chemical society, perkin transaction i
Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society
Journal of the computer society of india
Journal of the electrochemical society
Journal of the faculty of science
Journal of the Geological Society of India
Journal of the geological society, london
Journal of the history of ideas
Journal of the history of philosophy
Journal of the indian chemical society
Journal of the indian institute of architects
Journal of the indian mathematical society
Journal of the Indian Roads Congress
Journal of the indian society of soil science
Journal of the institute of metals and metallurgical abstracts
Journal of the institute of metals: an international journal of metals research and application
Journal of the institute of nuclear material management (formerly: nuclear material management)
Journal of the institute of town planners india
Journal of the institution of electronics and telecommunication engineers
Journal of the institution of engineers
Journal of the institution of engineers australia
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society
Journal of the korean nuclear society
Journal of the kuwait medical association
Journal of the Lebanese Dental Association
Journal of the minerals, metals and materials society (formerly: journal of metals)
Journal of the national cancer institute
Journal of the national institute of electronics
Journal of the national research council of thailand
Journal of the national science council of sri lanka
Journal of the oceanographical society of japan
Journal of the operational research society
Journal of the optical society of america
Journal of the optical society of america: b optical physics
Journal of the pakistan physiotherapy society
Journal of the physical society of japan
Journal of the postgraduate school
Journal of the royal asiatic society
Journal of the royal college of surgeons of edinburgh
Journal of the royal college of surgery
Journal of the royal microscopical society
Journal of the society for industrial and applied mathematics
Journal of the society of dyers and colourists
Journal of the society of leather trades chemists
Journal of thermal analysis
Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine (j tissue eng regen m)
Journal of transcultural nursing
Journal of transport geography
Journal of transportation engineering
Journal of trauma
Journal of tropical medicine and hygiene
Journal of tropical paediatrics
Journal of ultrastructure research
Journal of university of peshawar
Journal of urban design
Journal of urban planning and development
Journal of urology
Journal of vaccum science and technology (a: vaccum surfaces and films)
Journal of vaccum science and technology (b: micro electronics)
Journal of Vascular Research
Journal of vascular surgery
Journal of vertebrate paleontology
Journal of virology
Journal of volcanology and geothermal research
Journal of water resources planning and management division
Journal of west china university medical science
Journal of wildlife management
Journal of zhejiang university science
Journal watch
Juba Medical Journal
Juntendo medical journal
Justus liebigs annalen der chemie