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SAARC Development Fund Bhutan
Strengthening and Enhancement of Reprographic services of PASTIC.
Science Awareness through TV Channels.
Establishment of National Science and Technology Database/Information Network at PASTIC
Strengthening of PASTIC National Science Reference Library.
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Setting up database facilities at PASTIC.
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PASTIC's Union Catalogue is the repository of all research material available in all libraries in Pakistan. This information is updated regularly.
Note: The information on this page is currently being updated regularly. So if your desired information is not available, please visit this page in near future to find it again.
Advance Search
Aalam al-zarra: journal of the atomic energy commission of syria
Aapg bulletin (formerly: american association of petroleum geologists bulletin)
Aata news letter
AATC Review ( American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists)
Abasyn University Journal of Social Sciences
Abb asea brown boveri
Ability and Enterprise
Abstract bulletin of the institute of paper chemistry
Abstracts of bulgarian scientific literature biology
Abstracts of bulgarian scientific literature chemistry
Abstracts of bulgarian scientific literature maths and physical sciences
Abstracts of bulgarian scientific medical literature
Abstracts of mycology
Abstracts of science and technology in japan: agriculture, forestry and fisheries
Abstracts of science and technology in japan: energy technology
Abstracts of soviet medical journal
Abstracts of world medicine
Abstracts on hygiene
Abstracts on hygiene and communicable diseases
Abstracts on tropical agriculture
Academia economic papers
Academic Emergency medicine (AEM: an official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine)
Academic medicine
Academic Research International
Academy of management journal
Acc current journal review
Accessions list of pakistan
Accessions list of south asia
Accis newsletter
Accountants magazine
Accounts of chemical research
Ace articles in civil engineering
Ach-models in chemistry
Aci materials journal
Aci structural journal
Acm computing survey
ACM Embernet
ACM Journal of Computer Documentation
Acm sigplan notices
Acm transactions on graphics
Acm transactions on modeling and computer simulation
Acp journal club
Acta Amazonica
Acta anatomica
Acta anthropologica sinica
Acta applicandae mathematicae
Acta Archaeologica Tomus
Acta astronautica
Acta astronomica sinica
Acta Biochemica Polonica
Acta biochimica et biophysica sinica
Acta bio-medica
Acta botanica sinica
Acta chemica
Acta chemica scandinavica
Acta chemica scandinavica a: physical and inorganic chemistry
Acta chemica sinica
Acta crystallographica
Acta crystallographica a crystal physics diffraction, theoretical and general crystallography
Acta crystallographica b structural crystallography and crystal chemistry
Acta crystallographica: sec d: biological crystallography
Acta cytologica
Acta electronica
Acta endocrinologica
Acta entomologica sinica
Acta genetica sinica
Acta geologica sinica
Acta geophysica sinica
Acta leidensia
Acta mathematica sinica
Acta mechanica
Acta medica
Acta medica austriaca
Acta medica bulgarica
Acta medica colombiana
Acta medica enpirica/erfahrungsheilkunde
Acta metallurgica
Acta metallurgica sinica
Acta metallurgica sinica (a)
Acta metallurgica sinica (b)
Acta microbiologica sinica
Acta mineralogica pakistanica
Acta neurochirurgica
Acta orthopaedica scandinvica
Acta otolaryngologica
Acta paediatrica
Acta paediatrica japonica
Acta paediatrica scandinavica
Acta Pharmaceutica Suecica
Acta physica et chemica
Acta physica polonica: a
Acta physica polonica: b
Acta physica sinica
Acta physiologica scandinavica
Acta phyto taxonomica sinica
Acta psychiatrica scandinavica
Acta Radiologica
Acta scientia sinica
Acta sericologica sinica
Acta societatis botanicorum poloniae
Acta technica academiae scientiarum hungaricae
Acta Therapeutica
Acta universitatis caroliae
Acta urologica japonica
Acta zoologica sinica
Adab news
Administration journal
Administrative science quarterly
Adolescent Psychiatry
Adsorption science and technology
Advance Synthesis & catalysis
Advanced imaging
Advanced manufacturing technology
Advanced materials
Advanced materials and processes
Advanced packaging
Advances in agricultural research in egypt
Advances in applied mathematics
Advances in applied microbiology
Advances in colloid and interface science
Advances in nursing science
Advances in physics
Advances in psychology
Advances in special electrometallurgy
Advances in water resources
Aea meeting on atomic energy
Aecl review
Aeesca journal of engineering education
Aegis international
Aeronautical journal (formerly: journal of aeronautical society)
Aerospace america
Aerospace america
Aerospace products
Africa economic digest
Africa recovery
African journal of medicine and medical sciences
Afro-asian journal of ophthalmology
Afya a journal of medical and health workers
Agha khan health services international newsletters
Agri business
Agri digest
Agribusiness worldwide
Agricultural abstracts
Agricultural abstracts bulletin
Agricultural and biological chemistry
Agricultural and rural development
Agricultural economics
Agricultural engineer
Agricultural engineering
Agricultural information development bulletin
Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Afirca and Latin America
Agricultural research
Agricultural sciences in china
Agricultural situation in india
Agricultural systems
Agricultural water management
Agriculture ecosystem and environment
Agriculture forestry and fisheries finance
Agriculture pakistan
agro links
Agro veterinary news
Agrochemical and radius news letter
Agroforestry abstracts
Agroforestry systems an international journal
Agronomia tropical
Agronomy journal
AHA coding clinic for ICD-9-CM
Aiaa bulletin
Aiaa journal (formerly: journal of the royal aeronautical society)
Aibs bulletin
Aiche journal
Aid research and development abstracts
Air craft engineering
Air defence digest
Air safety
Ajr (american journal of roentgenology)
Akhbar e tib
Akhbar e urdu
Aldri chemica acta
Al-farooq: new approach to journalism
Algal Flora of Korea
All pakistan legal decisions
Alloys index
Aluminium industry abstracts
Ama: agricultural mechanization in asia, africa and latin america
Ambio: a journal of the human environment
American anthropologist
American Antiquity
American Archivist
American Association of Textile chists & colorists
American bee journal
American behavioral scientist
American ceramic society bulletin
American dyestuff reporter
American economic review
American economist
American Ethnologist
American family physician
American heart journal
American history and Life
American History review
American Journal of Agricultural Economics
American journal of anatomy
American Journal of Archaeology
American journal of botany
American journal of botany
American journal of cardiology
American journal of chinese medicine
American journal of clinical nutrition
American journal of clinical pathology
American journal of critical care
American journal of dermatopathology
American journal of diseases of children
American journal of economics and sociology
American journal of education
American journal of epidemiology
American journal of gastroenterology
American journal of hematology
American journal of hospice and palliative medicine (ajhpm)
American journal of human biology
American journal of human genetics
American journal of international law
American journal of islamic social sciences
American journal of kidney diseases
American journal of managed care
American journal of mathematics
American journal of medical technology
American journal of medicine
American journal of neuroradiology
American journal of nursing
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology
American journal of ophthalmology
American journal of orthopsychiatry
American journal of otolaryngology
American journal of otology
American journal of pathology
American journal of pharmacology
American journal of pharmacy
American Journal of Physical Anthropolgy
American journal of physics
American journal of physiology
American journal of potato research
American journal of primatology
American journal of psychiatry
American journal of psychology
American journal of public health
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine
American journal of rhinology
American journal of roentgenology
American journal of roentgenology and radium therapy
American journal of sociology
American journal of surgery
American journal of surgical pathology
American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene
American journal of veterinary research
American machinist
American machinist and automated manufacturing
American mathematical monthly
American mineralogist
American naturalist
American oil chemists society journal
American physical society bulletin
American Quarterly
American scientist
American society for testing and materials
American Society of Agriculture Engineering Transaction
American sociological review
American statistician
American zoologist
Amli science (urdu)
Anaesthesia and analgesia
Anaesthesia and intensive care
Anaesthesia, Pain and Intensive Care
Anaesthesiology clinics of north america
Anales del instituto barraquer
Analytica chemica acta
Analytical abstracts
Analytical biochemistry
Analytical chemistry (formerly: industrial and engineering chemistry analytical edition)
Analytical letters
Analytical proceedings
Analytical Science and Technology
Anatomia clinica
Anatomy and embryology
Anesthesia and analygesia
Angewandte chemie
Animal behaviour
Animal breeding abstracts
Animal reproduction science
Animal research and development
Annales academe scientiarum fennicae a: physica
Annales de geographie
Annales de geophysique
Annales de physique
Annals of Abbasi Shaheed Hospital and karachi medical & dental college
Annals of arid zone
Annals of association of american geographers
Annals of bangladesh agriculture
Annals of botany
Annals of clinical biochemistry
Annals of community oriented education
Annals of emergency medicine
Annals of human genetics
Annals of internal medicine
Annals of King Edward Medical University
Annals of Library and Information Studies
Annals of library science and documentation
Annals of medicine (formerly: annales of clinical research)
Annals of neurology
Annals of nuclear energy (formerly: journal of nuclear energy)
Annals of otology rhinology laryngology
Annals of Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences
Annals of physics
Annals of rheumatic diseases
Annals of royal college of surgeons of england
Annals of saudi medicine
Annals of statistics (formerly: annals of mathematical statistics)
Annals of surgery
Annals of the icrp
Annals of the royal college of physicians and surgeons
Annals of the royal college of surgeons of edinburgh
Annals of thoracic surgery
Annals of Thoracid Medicine
Annals of tropical medicine and parasitology
Annals of tropical paediatrics
Annual geomagnetic bulletin
Annual report
Annual reports
Annual review of biochemistry
Annual review of entomology
Annual review of plant physiology and plant moleculer biology
anti Cancer Agent in Medicinal Chemistry
Anti Infective Agents in Medicinal Chemistry
Anti Inflammatory & Anti Allergy Agents In Medicinal Chemistry
Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy
Aorn journal
Apo news
Applied and environmental microbiology (formerly: applied microbiology)
Applied biochemistry and microbiology
Applied Computing Review
Applied ecology abstracts
Applied economics
Applied health physics abstracts and notes
Applied laser technology
Applied linguistics
Applied mathematical modelling
Applied mathematics and mechanics
Applied mechanics reviews
Applied Microbiology
Applied numerical mathematics
Applied nursing research
Applied optics
Applied physics
Applied physics b: lasers & optics
Applied physics b: photo physics and laser chemistry
Applied physics letters
Applied plastics and reinforced plastics review
Applied radiation and isotopes (formerly: international journal of applied radiation and isotopes)
Applied radiology
Applied science and technology
Applied scientific research
Applied signal processing
Applied solar energy
Applied spectroscopy
Applied surface science
Appropriate technology
Aps news: american physical society news
Aquaculture news
Arab gulf journal of scientific research
Arabian journal for science and engineering
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (Section A: Sciences)
Aramco world magazine
Archeng: a journal of architects and engineers
Archi times: world news of architectures
Architectural design
Architectural digest: (the international magazine of interior design and architecture)
Architectural periodicals index
Architectural record
Architectural review
Architecture + design
Architecture plus
Architecture plus interiors
Archive of pathology and medicine
Archives de neurobiologia
Archives in Pharmacal Research
Archives of biochemistry and biophysics
Archives of dermatology and syphilology
Archives of diseases in childhood
Archives of endrology
Archives of environmental health
Archives of family medicine
Archives of general psychiatry
Archives of internal medicine
Archives of Iranian Medicine
Archives of mechanics
Archives of medical research
Archives of microbiology
Archives of neurology
Archives of ophthalmology
Archives of otolaryngology
Archives of otolaryngology head and neck surgery
Archives of pathology and laboratory medicine
Archives of pediatrics and adolescent medicine
Archives of surgery
Archivio Trentino Di Storia Contemporanea
Armada international
Armour news bulletin
Arms control today
Art and antiques
Artha vijnana
Arthritis and rheumatism
Arthritis Care & Research
Artificial intelligence
Arts and humanities in higher education
Asae agricultural engineering
Asce journal of engineering mechanics
Asce journal of hydraulic engineering
Asce proceedings journal of water resources planning and management
Asce: journal of architectural engineering
Asce: journal of structural engineering
Ashrae journal
Asia Oceania Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Asia pacific development journal
Asia pacific environment
Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Asia pacific perspectives: japan
Asia pacific population journal
Asia pacific technology digest
Asia week
Asian Affairs
Asian agribusiness
Asian agriculture
Asian australian journal of animal sciences
Asian computer monthly
Asian development review
Asian economic journal
Asian economic review
Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development
Asian Journal of chemistry
Asian Journal of Plant Sciences
Asian medical journal
Asian medical news (hong kong)
Asian medical news karachi
Asian pacific population programme news
Asian perspectives
Asian recorder
Asian seed planting material
Asian sources computer products
Asian sources electronics
Asian survey
Asian textile business
asian textile Business International
Asia-pacific journal of chemical engineering
Aslib information
Aslib proceedings
Assesment in education
Assignment children (unicef)
Association of medical doctors for asia
Astm standardization news
Astronautica acta
Astronautics and aeronautics
Astronautics and aerospace engineering
Astronomical journal
Astrophysical journal
Astrophysical letters and communications (formerly: astrophysical letters)
Astrophysical physics
Atmospheric environment
Atomic data and nuclear data tables (formerly: nuclear data tables)
Atomic energy in australia (formerly: atomic energy)
Atomic energy review
Atomic spectroscopy (formerly: atomic absorption newsletter)
Atomkernenergie /kerntechnik (formerly: kerntechnik atompraxis)
Atomwirtschaft atom technik
Atoomenergie enharr toepassingen
Aussen politick - german foreign affairs review
Australian and new zealand journal of obstetrics and gynaecology
Australian chemical engineering
Australian Computer Journal
Australian economic papers
Australian Geographical Studies
Australian Historical Studies
Australian journal of agricultural research
Australian journal of biological sciences
Australian journal of botany
Australian journal of chemistry
Australian journal of experimental agriculture
Australian journal of marine and freshwater research
Australian journal of pharmacy
Australian journal of physics
Australian Journal of Public Administration
Australian journal of soil research
Australian journal of zoology
Australian mining
Australian science and technology newsletter
Auto industry
Autodesk news
Automation and remote control
Automotive design and production
Automotive engineer
Automotive engineering international
Automotive intustries
Automotive testing technology international
Avian diseases
Aviation space and environmental medicine
Aviation week and space technology
Awhonn lifelines