Journals |
I and ec fundamentals
Iaea bulletin
Iaslic bulletin
Iassi quarterly
Ibm journal of research and development
Ibm systems journal
Ibm technical disclosure bulletin
ICAC Recorder
Icarda carvan
Ice abstracts
Ice: proceedings of the institution of civil engineer
Ice: proceedings of the institution of civil engineer, Structures and buildings
Ice: proceedings of the institution of civil engineer: management procurement and law
Ice: proceedings of the institution of civil engineer: muncipal engineer
Ice: proceedings of the institution of civil engineer: transport
Icimod newsletter
Icp information newsletter
Idrc reports
Ids bulletin
Ie: Industrial engineer
Iee news
Iee proceedings (part b: electric power applications)
Iee proceedings (part c: generation transmission and distribution)
Iee Proceedings: circuts, devices and systems
Iee review (formerly: electronics and power engineers)
Ieee aerospace and electronic systems magazine
Ieee antennas and propagation magazine
IEEE ASME Transaction on Mechatronics
Ieee circuits and devices magazine
Ieee circuits and systems magazine
Ieee communications letters
Ieee communications magazine
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine
Ieee computational science and engineering
Ieee computer
Ieee computer applications in power magazine
Ieee computer graphics and applications
Ieee computers
IEEE Computing in Science & Engineering
Ieee control systems magazine
Ieee design and test of computers
Ieee electron device letters
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology
Ieee expert intelligent systems and their applications
Ieee industry applications magazine
Ieee intelligent systems
Ieee internet computing
IEEE IT Professional
IEEE Journal of Light Wave Technology
Ieee journal of lightwave technology
Ieee journal of quantum electronics
Ieee journal of selected areas in communications
Ieee journal of selected topics in quantum electronics
Ieee journal of solid state circuits
Ieee micro
IEEE Microwave Magazine
Ieee multimedia
IEEE Networking Magazine
IEEE Oceanic Engineering
IEEE Pervasive
IEEE Pervasive Computing Mobile
IEEE Power and Energy
Ieee power engineering review
IEEE Selected Areas in Communications
IEEE Sensors Journal
Ieee signal processing letters
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine
Ieee software
Ieee spectrum
IEEE Technology & Society
Ieee transaction on mobile computing
Ieee transaction on wireless communication
Ieee transactions on acoustics, speech and signal processing: from 1991 ieee transactions on signal processing
Ieee transactions on aerospace and electronic systems
Ieee transactions on applied superconductivity
Ieee transactions on automatic control
Ieee transactions on biomedical engineering
Ieee transactions on broadcasting
Ieee transactions on circuits and systems
Ieee transactions on circuits and systems fundamental theory and applications
ieee transactions on circuits and systems-II
Ieee transactions on communication technology
Ieee transactions on communications (formerly: ieee transactions on communication technology)
Ieee transactions on communications magazine
Ieee transactions on components and packaging technologies
Ieee transactions on components, hybrids and manufacturing technology
Ieee transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems
Ieee transactions on computers
Ieee transactions on consumer electronics (formerly: ieee transactions on broadcast and television receivers)
Ieee transactions on control systems technology
Ieee transactions on dielectrics and electrical insulations
Ieee transactions on education
Ieee transactions on electrical insulation
Ieee transactions on electro devices
Ieee transactions on electromagnetic compatibility
Ieee transactions on electron devices
Ieee transactions on electronics
ieee transactions on electronics packaging manufacturing
Ieee transactions on energy conversion
Ieee transactions on engineering management
Ieee transactions on evolutionary computation
Ieee transactions on fuzzy systems
Ieee transactions on geoscience and remote sensing
Ieee transactions on image processing
Ieee transactions on industrial electronics
Ieee transactions on information theory
Ieee transactions on instrumentation and measurement
Ieee transactions on knowledge and data engineering
Ieee transactions on magnetics
Ieee transactions on medical imaging
Ieee transactions on microwave theory and techniques
Ieee transactions on multimedia
ieee transactions on nanotechnology
Ieee transactions on networking
Ieee transactions on neural networks
Ieee transactions on nuclear science
Ieee transactions on parallel and distributed system
Ieee transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence
IEEE Transactions on Photonics technology Letters
Ieee transactions on plasma science
Ieee transactions on power apparatus and systems
Ieee transactions on power electronics
Ieee transactions on power systems
Ieee transactions on professional communications
Ieee transactions on reliability
Ieee transactions on robotics and automation
Ieee transactions on semiconductor manufacturing
Ieee transactions on signal processing (formerly: ieee transactions acoustics, speech and signal processing)
IEEE Transactions on Software
Ieee transactions on software engineering
Ieee transactions on speech and audio processing
Ieee transactions on systems man and cybernetics
Ieee transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics and frequency control (formerly: ieee transactions on sonics and ultrasonics)
Ieee transactions on vehicular technology
Ieee transactions on very large scale integration (vlsi) systems
Ieee transactions on visualization and computer graphics
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
Ieee/acm transactions on networking
Ifda dossier
Illinois libraries
Ima journal of numerical analysis
Image and vision computing
Imana newsletter
Immuno chemistry
Immunology & allergy practice
Immunology and allergy clinics of north america
Immunology,Endocrine & Metabolic Agents
Impact international
Impact of science on society
In focus
In vitro: Journal of the tissue Culture association
Index medicus
Index medicus eastern mediterranean region
Index veterinarius
India international centre quarterly
India news
India quarterly
Indian bee journal
Indian chemical society journal
Indian concrete journal
Indian defence review
Indian economic journal
Indian economic review
Indian farming
Indian forester
Indian heart journal
Indian journal of agricultural economics
Indian journal of agricultural research
Indian journal of agricultural sciences
Indian journal of agronomy
Indian journal of animal research
Indian journal of animal sciences
Indian journal of applied chemistry
Indian Journal of Biochemistry
Indian journal of biochemistry and biophysics
Indian Journal of Biotechnology
Indian journal of chemical technology
Indian journal of chemistry
Indian journal of chemistry section b
Indian journal of chest diseases and allied science
Indian journal of dairy science
Indian journal of earth sciences
Indian journal of ecology
Indian journal of economics
Indian journal of engineering and material sciences
Indian journal of entomology
Indian journal of experimental biology
Indian journal of fiber and textile research
Indian journal of fisheries
Indian journal of forestry
Indian journal of gender studies
Indian journal of genetics and plant breeding
Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences
Indian journal of gerontology
Indian journal of helminthology
Indian journal of horticulture
Indian journal of leprosy
Indian journal of marine sciences
Indian journal of mathematics
Indian journal of medical research
Indian journal of medical sciences
Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources
Indian journal of nematology
Indian journal of nutrition and dietetics
Indian journal of ophthalmology
Indian journal of pathology and bacteriology
Indian journal of pathology and microbiology
Indian journal of pediatrics
Indian journal of pharmacology
Indian journal of plant physiology
Indian journal of poultry science
Indian journal of power and river valley development
Indian journal of psychiatry
Indian Journal of Public Administration
Indian journal of pure and applied mathematics
Indian journal of pure and applied physics
Indian journal of radio and space physics
Indian journal of surgery
Indian journal of technology
Indian journal of textile research
Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge
Indian leather
Indian minerals
Indian pediatrics
Indian phytopathology
Indian science abstracts
Indian society of agricultural statistics journal
Indian society of soil science journal
Indian sugar
Indian veterinary journal
Indonesian agriculture research and development journal
Indonesian journal of agricultural science
Indus Journal of Managememt and Social Sciences
Indus Journal of Management & Social Sciences
Indus: journal of pakistan wapda
Industrial affairs
Industrial and engineering chemistry (analytical edition)
Industrial and engineering chemistry (process design and development)
Industrial and engineering chemistry research
Industrial and labour relations review
Industrial and production engineering
Industrial and scientific instruments
Industrial Bulletin
Industrial ceramics
Industrial development
Industrial development abstracts
Industrial electronics communication automation instrumentation control
Industrial engineering
Industrial engineering journal
Industrial handling and storage
Industrial hygiene digest
Industrial laser solutions for manufacturing (formerly: industrial laser review)
Industrial maintenance
Industrial metrology: the international journal of automated measurement and control
Industrial quality control
Industrial relations
Industrial research
Industrial specifications
Industrial times
Industry and environment
Industry asia international
Industry week (formerly: electronics)
Infection and immunity
Infection control and hospital epidemiology
Infectious Diseases Journal
Infectious Disorder DrugTargets
Inflammation and Allergy DrugTargets
Information and control
Information Management
Information retrieval and library automation
Information science abstracts
Information scientists
Information services in mechanical engineering (ismec)
Information Society
Information technology Journal
Infoterra bulletin
Infrared physics
Injury british journal of accident surgery
Inorganic and nuclear chemistry letters
Inorganic chemica acta
Inorganic chemistry
Inorganica chemica acta bioinorganic chemistry articles and letters
Insect Fauna of Korea
Insects and pest control newsletter
Institute of civil engineers proceedings
Institute of civil engineers, proceedings, geotechnical engineering
Institution of mining and metallurgy abstracts
Instrumentation technology
Instruments and control systems
Instruments and experimental techniques
Instruments the magazine of measurement and control
Integrated rural development review
Intellectual property in asia and the pacific
Intelligent enterprise
Interdisciplinary science reviews
Interfaces in computing
Internal medicine
International abstracts in operations research
International aerospace abstracts
International affairs
International agricultural development
International agriculture digest
International and comparative law quarterly
International atomic energy agency bulletin
International chemical engineering
International child health
International currency review
International defence review
International development abstracts
International Diabetes monitor
International digest of health legislation
International dyer
International economic journal
International economic review
International environmental technology
International family planning perspectives and digest
International fiber journal
International financial statistics
International hepatology communication
International journal for development technology
International journal for numerical methods in engineering
International journal for numerical methods in fluids
International Journal for Parasitology
International journal for rural development
International journal of acoustics and vibration
International Journal of Advertising
International journal of agriculture & biotechnology
International Journal of Agriculture and Applied Sciences
International Journal of Agriculture and Biology
International journal of andrology
International journal of applied mechanics and engineering
International journal of applied radiation and isotopes radiation application and instrumentation part-a
International journal of artificial intelligence in education
International Journal of Asian Social Sciences
International Journal of Asian Studies
International journal of automotive technology and management
International Journal of Biology and Biotechnology
International Journal of Biology Research
International journal of biomedical computing
International journal of cancer
International journal of cardiology
International journal of chemical kinetics
International journal of colorectal disease
International journal of computer vision
International journal of computers and electrical engineering
International journal of computers and fluids
International journal of computers and mathematics with applications
International journal of control
International journal of damage mechanics
International journal of dermatology
International journal of development planning literature
International journal of ecology and environmental science
International Journal of Economic and Environmental Geology
International journal of electrical engineering education
International journal of electronics (theoretical and experimental)
International journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism
International journal of energy research
International journal of engine research
International journal of engineering
International journal of engineering science
International journal of epidemiology
International Journal of Foundation of Computer Sciences
International journal of heat and fluid flow
International journal of human resource management
International journal of hydrogen energy
International journal of immunopharmacology
International journal of impact engineering
International journal of leprosy
International journal of machine tools and manufacture: design research and application
International journal of mass spectrometry and ion process
International journal of mechanical sciences
International journal of middle east studies
International Journal of Mini and Microcomputers
International journal of modelling and simulation
International journal of non-linear mechanics
International journal of nursing practice
International journal of nursing studies
International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders
International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery
International Journal of Organic Evolution
International journal of otology rhinology lanrynology
International journal of palliative nursing (ijpn)
International journal of parasitology
International Journal of Pathology
International journal of pavement engineering
International journal of peptide and protein research
International journal of pest management
International Journal of Pharmacology
International Journal of Phycology and Phytochemistry
International journal of powder metallurgy and powder technology
International journal of psychology
International journal of quantum chemistry
International journal of radiation: oncology- biology- physics
International journal of refrigeration
International journal of renewable energy
International journal of simulation modelling
International journal of software engineering and knowledge engineering
International journal of solid state electronics
International Journal of south Asian Study
International journal of supercomputer applications
International journal of surface science and engineering
International journal of the Computer, The Internet and Management
International journal of theoretical physics
International journal of transport management
International journal of tuberculosis and lung diseases
International journal of tuberculosis and lung diseases
International journal of vehicle design
International Journal of Wireless Information Networks
International laboratory
International labour review
International licensing
International magazine for textile design, processing and testing
International management
International materials reviews (formerly: international metals review)
International monetary fund staff papers
International nursing index
International nursing review
International ophthalmology clinics
International Research Journal of Arts and Humanities
International Review of Administrative Sciences
International rice research newsletter
International rice research notes
International social science journal
International studies
International surgery
International textile bulletin
International Textile Monitor
International trade forum
International union of crystallography
Internet today
Invention intelligence
Invertebrate Fauna of Korea
Investigational new drugs
Investment and marketing
Invitro Cellular and Development Biology
IPRI factfile
IPRI Journal: Islamabad Policy Research Institute Journal
Iqbal review
Iranian journal of fisheries science
Iranian Journal of Immunology
Iranian journal of medical sciences
Iranian journal of science and technology
Ircihe bulletin
Irish journal of medical science (ijms)
Iron making and steel making
Irrico news
Irrigation and drainage (asce) (on line)
Irrigation and drainage (chinese language)
Irrigation and drainage abstracts
Irrigation and power (journal of central board of irrigation and power)
Irrigation and power abstracts
Isi bulletin
Isij international (iron and steel institute of japan)
Islam and christian muslim relation
Islamabad Journal of Science
Islamic culture
Islamic economic studies
Islamic education
Islamic quarterly
Islamic studies
Islamic thought and scientific creativity
Isoss bulletin: the journal of islamic society of statistical sciences
Isotope and radiation research
Isotopes and radiation technology
Isra Medical Journal
Issues in Science and Technology
It professional: technology solutions for the enterprise
Ite journal (institute of transportation engineers)
Its textile leader: the magazine for international management
Ittefaq health care journal
ITU News
Iwasri iimi
Iwasri news