Pakistan Scientific & Technological Information Centre (PASTIC) organized the first UNESCO-Information for all
Programme (IFAP) National Committee Meeting on December 04, 2018. The meeting was chaired by Dr. Akram
Shaikh, Director General, PASTIC and was attended by the Secretary General, PNCU, as well as representatives of
the M / Information & Broadcasting, PTV, Radio Pakistan, M / IT & Telecom, Pakistan Science Foundation,
COMSATS, Quaid-i-Azam University, Pakistan Museum of Natural History, Allama Iqbal Open University, etc. The
participants deliberated on the statutes and constitution of the National Committee, and discussed the issues and
challenges to be addressed by the committee.
The IFAP was established by UNESCO with objective to build a free information society, focusing on information
literacy, preservation & access to information, and the ethical & societal consequences of ICT developments.
Dr. Muhammad Akram Shaikh, Director General, PASTIC giving a briefing to the participants of the meeting of the National Committee of UNESCO-Information for All Programme (IFAP), held on December 04, 2018 at PASTIC