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Professor Dr. Anwar-Ul-Hussan Gilani delivered lecture on "How Fasting can improve health and promote wellness"

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Release Date:03/05/2018

Prof. Dr. Anwarul Hassan Gilani, ex Chairman Pakistan Council for Science and Technology (PCST) delivered a lecture on "How Fasting Can Improve Health and Promote Wellness" at Pakistan Scientific & Technological Information Centre (PASTIC) on May 3 rd 2018.

While elaborating challenges of Modern Life, he said plenty of food, high calories intake, dependence on impure and processed food as well as sedentary and luxurious lifestyle have posed serious health challenges to present man.

Dr. Gilani said obesity and overweight are outcome of modern lifestyle that had badly affected almost every organ of the body. He added that obesity and overweight are the main causes of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases (CVD) particularly in Middle East and South Asia. He informed that Pakistan ranked 9th out of 188 countries in terms of obesity. He further said that latest pharmaceutical medicines can only control diabetes, Hypertension and Cardio Vascular Diseases, complete cure is not possible but rather many side effects arise. He elaborated that obesity has a multi-factorial etiology, having genetic, metabolic, environmental, behavioural and Life style components.

He said that fasting if observed in its true sense is a perfect way to address obesity, it ensures what is required to control obesity and maintain good health. He explained benefits of fasting in Islam i.e., character building, patience, taqwa (self-restraint), self-control, self-discipline, responsibility, obedience and purification of soul.

He stressed that if we adopt sunnah of our Holy Prophet (PBUH) especially in our eating styles e.g., by eating less and simple food, eating slowly in relaxed mood, eating light dinner with early to bed ensuring early to rise (Tahajjud), fasting from time to time and by giving our food to poor, we may lead a healthy life.

He informed about a research study by Li et al., (PLoS ONE, 2013) which concluded that chronic intermittent fasting improves cognitive functions and brain structures in mice. He also cited a research study published in Journal of Neuroinflammation by Vlasconcelos et al. (2014), which explained that intermittent fasting attenuates lipopolysaccharide-induced neuro-inflammation and memory impairment. He also discussed the findings of Mark Mattson - Chief of the Laboratory of Neurosciences at National Institute of Aging that how Fasting feeds the brain.

PASTIC DG Prof. Dr. Muhammad Akram Shaikh presented vote of thanks and shield of honor to Prof. Dr. Anwarul Hassan Gilani..


Prof. Dr. Anwarul Hassan Gilani, ex Chairman Pakistan Council for Science and Technology (PCST) delivering his lecture on "How Fasting Can Improve Health and Promote Wellness" at PASTIC National Centre, Islamabad.


Participants during lecture of Prof. Dr. Anwarul Hassan Gilani, ex Chairman Pakistan Council for Science and Technology (PCST) on "How Fasting Can Improve Health and Promote Wellness" at PASTIC National Centre, Islamabad.


Prof. Dr. Muhammad Akram Shaikh, Director General PASTIC, presenting shield of honor to Prof. Dr. Anwarul Hassan Gilani, ex Chairman Pakistan Council for Science and Technology (PCST).