PJCIS - Guidelines For Authors
Pakistan Journal of Computer and Information Systems (PJCIS) is an official journal of PASTIC meant for students and professionals of Computer Science & Engineering, Information & Communication Technologies (ICTs), Information Systems, Library and Information Science. This biannual open access journal is aimed at publishing high quality papers on theoretical developments as well as practical applications in all above cited fields. The journal also aims to publish new attempts on emerging topics/areas, original research papers, reviews and short communications.
Manuscript format: Manuscript should be in English, typed using font Times New Roman and double spaced throughout with 0.5 inches indention and margins of at least 1.0 inch in Microsoft word format (doc or docx) or LaTex. The manuscripts should be compiled in following order: Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Recommendations, Acknowledgement and References. Follow the format guidelines provided in the following table:
Title: This should contain title of the articles by capitalizing initial letter of each main word. Avoid abbreviations in the title of the manuscript.
Author’s Name: Title should be followed by complete author names, e-mail addresses, landline, fax and cell numbers. In case of more than one author with different Institutions, use numbering in superscripts (1, 2, 3 etc) to separate the author's affiliation. Do not use any other symbol such as *, † or ‡. For multiple authors, use comma as separator.
Author’s Affiliation: Mark the affiliations with the respective numbering in superscripts (1, 2, 3 etc) used in the authors field. PJCIS encourages the listing of authors’ Open Researcher and Contributor Identification (ORCID).
Corresponding author: One author should be identified as the corresponding author by putting asterisk after the name as superscript.
Abstracts: Abstract must be comprehensive and self explanatory stating brief methodology, important findings and conclusion of the study. It should not exceed 300 words.
Keywords: Three to eight keywords depicting the article should be provided below the abstracts separated by comma.
Introduction: The introduction should contain all the background information a reader needs to understand the rest of the author’s paper. This means that all important concepts should be explained and all important terms defined. Introduction must contain the comprehensive literature review on the problem to be addressed along with concise statement of the problem, objectives and valid hypotheses to be tested in the study.
Material and Methods: An adequate account of details about the procedures involved should be provided in a concise manner.
Results & Discussion: Results should be clear, concise and presented in a logical sequence in the text along with, tables, figures and other illustrations. If necessary, subheadings can be used in this section. Discussion should be logical and results must be discussed in the light of previous relevant studies justifying the findings. If necessary, it may be split into separate "Results" and "Discussion" sections.
Recommendations: Research gap may be identified and recommendations for future research should be given here.
Acknowledgement: In a brief statement, acknowledge assistance provided by people, institutions and financing.
Abbreviations: Abbreviations used should be elaborated at least first time in the text inside parenthesis e.g., VPN (Virtual Private Network).
Tables/Figures: Caption must have descriptive headings and should be understandable without reference to the text and should include numbers [e.g., Figure 1: Summary of quantitative data analysis]. Put citation at the end of the table/figure or in the text, if it has been copied from already published work. Photographic prints must be of high resolution. Figures will appear black & white in the printed version however, they will appear coloured in the full text PDF version available on the website. Figures and tables should be placed exactly where they are to appear within the text. Figures not correctly sized will be returned to the author for reformatting.
References: All the references must be complete and accurate. When referring to a reference in the text of the document, put the number of the reference in square brackets e.g., [1]. All references in the bibliography should be listed in citation order of the authors. Always try to give url or doi in case of electronic/digital sources along with access date. References should follow IEEE style, Details can be downloaded from Journal’s home page. http://www.pastic.gov.pk/pjcis.aspx
Publication Ethic Policy: For submission to the Pakistan Journal of Computer Science and Information Systems please follow the publication ethics listed below:
- The research work included in the manuscript is original.
- All authors have made significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, analysis or interpretation of the reported study.
- All authors have read the manuscript and agree for submission to the Pakistan Journal of Computer Science and Information Systems.
- This manuscript has not been submitted or published elsewhere in any form except in the form of dissertation, abstract or oral or poster presentation.
- All the data has been extracted from the original research study and no part has been copied from elsewhere. All the copied material has been properly cited.
Journal Review Policy: PJCIS follows double blind peer review policy. All the manuscripts are initially evaluated by the internal editorial committee of the PASTIC. Manuscripts of low quality which do not meet journal’s scope or have similarity index > 20% are rejected and returned to the authors. Initially accepted manuscripts are forwarded to two reviewers (one local and one foreign). Maximum time limit for review is six weeks. After submission of reviewer’s report final decision on the manuscript is made by the chief editor which will be communicated to the corresponding author through email. All dates i.e., submission and acceptance will be clearly printed on the manuscript.
Submission policy: Before submission make sure that all authors have read publication ethics policy for PJCIS and agree to follow them. There is no submission or processing charges for publishing in Pakistan Journal of Computer Science and Information Systems. Manuscript complete in all respect should be submitted to editor.pjcis@journals.org.pk or editor.pjcis@gmail.com
Editorial Office: Correspondence should be made at the following address:
Editor in Chief
Prof. Dr Muhammad Akram Shaikh
Pakistan Scientific & Technological Information Centre (PASTIC)
Quaid-e-Azam University (QAU) Campus
Please send all inquiries to info.pjcis@journals.org.pk