The Commercialization Cell MoST organized a Focus Group Meeting with Pharma & Food
Industrial Sectors of Hattar Industrial State, District Huripur in collaboration
with Hattar Industrial Association on June 18, 2014. Scientists/Technical experts
from organizations of MoST, PCSIR-Peshawar, NIE and representatives of Pharma and
Food Industries participated in the meeting. Executive Director, Commercialization
Cell, Dr. Syed Shahid Hussain, Deputy Director, Dr. Ahmed Bilal, In-charge Commercialization
Cell MoSt, Peshawar, Ms. GhazalaYasmeen Malik & Deputy I n-charge Commercialization
Cell Peshawar Muhammad Farhan Nasir were also present on the occasion. Dr. Syed
Shahid Hussain in his presentation briefly informed the participants about the major
objectives of the Commercialization Cell. He talked about the efforts of cell in
establishing linkages with local industry and academic institutions for undertaking
demand driven R&D, to solve the industrial problems and to develop indigenous processes
by the public sector organizations. Dr. Inyat-ur-Rehman & Muhammad Seed gave brief
presentations about the available facilities at PCSIR Laboratories Peshawar, in
Pharma& Food Sectors and also about the process developed by the scientists of the
Laboratories which are ready for commercialization. M r. A h m e d N a d e e m Siddiqui
explained the audience about various activities and services provided by NIE to
the industrial sector, especially in the energy audit that helps to save energy
up to 50%.