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PASTIC organizes three Day Training Workshop on "Scientific Research Tools"

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Release Date:07/05/2014

Pakistan Scientific and Technological Information Centre, (PASTIC), organized a 3-day training workshop on “Scientific Research Tools” at PASTIC National Centre, Quaid-i-Azam University Campus, Islamabad from May 07-09, 2014. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Akram Shaikh, Director General PASTIC delivered welcome address to participants of the t r a ining workshop. The Inaugural Ceremony was alsoattended by PASTIC Officers. The target participants of the t r a ining workshop we r e research scholars, employees of different organizations and faculty members of public sector universities especially l o c a t e d i n I s l ama b a d / Rawalpindi. Computer literacy wa s a pr e - r equi s i t e for selection of the participants. Thi r ty par t icipants f rom different academic, research and othe r organi z a t ions attended the said training workshop. The participants were trained in research tools such as EViews, STATA, SPSS, NVIVO, MS Excel, EndNote, Minitab, MATLAB, R Language, MS OFFICE & EXCEL, MStat C, Design Expert, DD Solver, Chem Draw, Zotero, Graph Pad, Prism, and Bio Stat. It was expected from participants to learn those research tools from the said training workshop in order to fully utilize them in their research work and professional endeavors.

Post-workshop assessment of the participants was also carried out to see their level of comprehension regarding course contents, resource person, hands on training session and over all workshop arrangements. All the participants found the training useful and felt that they had achieved course learning objectives already conceived by them before attending the said training workshop. The participants suggested that such training programmes should be organized for one week duration from 09:00 am to 04:00 pm and separate training workshops should be organized for students of different disciplines. At the closing of the workshop, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Akram Shaikh, Director General, PA S T I C a d v i s e d t h e participants to fully utilize the s a id sof twa r e tool s for accompl is