PASTIC Services stalls and Awareness Seminarsare regularly organized in different Universities to create awareness of preventative information services among the researchers and to provide services as per their needs within their premises. In this perspective PASTIC Sub Centre, Peshawar organized PASTIC Services Seminar at Pakistan Forest Institute Peshawar on December 21, 2010.
Deputy Director PASTIC delivered a comprehensive presentation with the title "PASTIC and its S&T information Services" to explain the young foresters about the PASTIC anticipatory S&T information services including:
a) to get access to their appropriate bibliographic literature search by the keywords.
b) to reward document supply service at highly subsidized rates.
c) PASTIC publications.
At the end of the presentation a very effective question answer session was held where the participants including the faculty members ask number of questions regarding PASTIC services. All the participants and cherished the efforts of PASTIC for the researchers.