PASTIC Annual Review Meeting held at National Centre. Sections Heads from National Centre and all Sub Centres participated in the meeting. Discussions were held on performance of each section in the last year. Future Planning was also discussed in the meeting for improvement in the performance.
During the first day of the meeting, All sections heads briefly described the performance of their sections. They also discussed the problem they faced during the year in executing different services. Another session of the meeting was dedicated for the section heads to describe their future targets and activities. Director General also discussed the budget requirements for the sections.
Second day started with a lecture by Mr. Saifullah Azim (Senior System Analyst - PASTIC) on the top "Searching Techniques" to the participants. Secretary Ministry of Science and Technology, Mr. K.B. Rind also visited PASTIC on the day and appreciated PASTIC's efforts in the area of Science and Technology Information Dissemination in Pakistan. PASTIC also organized a lecture on "Productivity for Peak Performance" by Mr. Hassan Haider, Dy General Manager, National Productivity Organization. General Discussions were held on different issues at the end of the meeting.