PASTIC regularly organizes training workshops on Research Methodology. This program is for students, scholars of MSc, MS/M.Phil & Ph.D The objective of such workshops is to provide basic understanding about qualitative and quantitative research concept, methods and capacity building of researchers in collecting, managing and analyzing data for qualitative and quantitative research. In continuation of this regular activity following workshop was organized during the month of May.
PASTIC Sub Center Karachi organized two training workshop on "Research Tools and Techniques" in the month of May from 02-04 and 22-24 May, 2017. Dr. Nazeer Khan, Director, QEC, Jinnah Sindh Medical University (JSMU) was the resource person of the first training workshop. 20 participants attended the workshop. The resource persons for second workshop were Ms. Sara Wahab and Mr,Sajid Atif, Lecturers Biostatistics JSMU. 17 students participated in the workshop and appreciated PASTIC for organizing such need based training. Certificates were also distributed among the participants of both the workshops.
Participants during the Workshop