PASTIC regularly organizes its service stalls all over the country, wherein PASTIC publications are displayed and membership forms/pamphlets are distributed and the visitors are briefed about PASTIC services. In continuation of this regular activity following stalls were organized during the month of April.
- PASTIC National Centre organized a three days service stall from 22-24 April, 2017 during celebrations of National Book Day at PAK-China Centre, Islamabad.
- First stall was organized on 4th April at Department of Chemistry, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore.
- Second stall was organized on 11th April at Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore.
- Third stall was organized on 18th April at Department f Mathematics, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore
- Fourth Stall was organized on 26th April at FAST- National University, Lahore.
A glimpse of PASTIC Service Stall, Lahore
- PASTIC Sub Center, Faisalabad organized three stalls at different departments of University of Agriculture on 4th, 12th and 27th April.
- PASTIC Sub Centre, Karachi organized a Stall from 29-31 March, 2017 at the Institute of Physics, University of Sindh Jamshoro.
- First stall was organized on 6th April, at the University of Haripur.
- Second stall was organized on 4th April, at the Department of Pharmacy, ABASYN University Peshawar.