PASTIC in collaboration with IRP, PSF, University of Baluchistan and PCST organized 2ndInvention to Innovation Summit, Quetta, from 25-26 April, 2017, at the University of Baluchistan. The main objective of the summit was to minimize the gap between Universities & Industries by bringing together the renowned academicals and industrialists on one platform. More than 500 scientists, scholars and industrialist participated in the summit.
Chairman PSF, during the inauguration session of the summit
The sessions of the summit included impact of CPEC Economic Policies and Development in Baluchistan, Business Plan Competition, Technologies for Livestock and Meat Processing, Role of Public Policy on Science, Technology and Innovation, Mines and Mineral Processing, PSF Fund Winning Opportunities, The role of Entrepreneurship in the Current Economic Scenario of Baluchistan, Renewable Energy, ORIC session on Trust Building Measures Between Academia, R&D institution, Industry and Society, Industrial Process Improvement-Productivity and Efficiency, Horticulture - Fruits and Vegetables, ICT Sector, Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship, Marine and Coastal Sector Development, Product and Process Innovation in Natural & Life Sciences. The summit also had exhibition stalls full of technology projects on display.
Mr. Muhammad Khan Achakzai, Governor of Baluchistan was the Chief Guest. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf, Chairman, Pakistan Science Foundation, Prof. Dr. Javeid Iqbal, Vice Chancellor, University of Baluchistan, Prof. Dr. Anwar-ul-Hasan Gilani, Chairman, PCST and Mr. Abid H. K. Sherwani, CEO, IRP addressed the audience at the inauguration of the Summit. The Corps Commander Southern Command Lt. General Amir Riaz also attended the "Innovation Award Ceremony of this Summit" held at Quetta Club. He emphasized that the security is everyone's business in the province and the scientific endeavors are the only indicators of rise and fall of nations. The closing ceremony of the Summit was held on April 26, 2017 at the University of Baluchistan. The competition winners having the best technologies were awarded the shields and cash awards.
Governer of Baluchistan presenting shield to Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf, Chairman, Pakistan Science Foundation
The Vice Chancellor University of Baluchistan Dr. Javeid Iqbal in the closing ceremony in his vote of thanks laid special thanks to all the dignities, participants and researcher of the country and presented shield and certificates among best participants and organizers.