- 1. Agrometeorological Bulletin of Pakistan 2011, September
- 2. Engineering Review 2011, Vol. 36(16-18)
- 3. Global Science (Urdu) 2011, April, June-August
- 4. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 2011, Vol. 13(5)
- 5. Journal of the Dow University of Health Sciences (JDUHS) 2010, Vol. 4(3)
- 6. Kisan Risala (Urdu) 2011, Vol. 8(11)
- 7. Pak Jamhurial 2011, Vol. 52(4)
- 9. Pakistan .Journal of Botan) 2011, Vol. 43(4)
- 9. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences-2011, Vol. 27(4)
- 10. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research 2011, Vol. 26(1)
- 11. Pakistan Journal of Science (PJS) 2011, Vol. 63(03)
- 12. Pakistan Journal of Sientific and Industrial Research Series B: Biological Sciences 2011, Vol. 54(2)
- 13. Pakistan Pictorial 2011, July-August
- 14. Pakistan 'Veterinary Journal 2011, Vol. 31(3)
- 15. Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences 2011, Vol. 48(2)
- 16. Science Technology and Development 2010, Vol. 29(3-4)
- 17. The Fountain 2011, September-October (83)
- 18. The Nucleus 2011, Vol. 48(3)
- 1. AMA Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America 2011, Vol. 42(3)
- 2. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2011, Vol.s89(10)
- 3. Indian Journal of Chemical Technology. 2011, Vol. 18(4)
- 4. Indian Journal of Chemistry (Section B): Organic Including Medicinal, 2011, Vol. 50B(10)
- 5. Indian Jourhal of Experimental Biology 2011, Vol. 49(10)
- 6. Indian Journal of Fibre & Textile Research 2011, Vol. 36(3)
- 7. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences 2011, Vol. 40(3)
- 8. Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics. 2011, Vol. 49(9)
- 9. Indian Journal of Radio & Space Physics 2011, Vol. 40(4)
- 10. Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research 2011, Vol. 70(10)
- 11. Turkish Review 2011, Vol.1(5)
- . 3 Years of Peoples Government (URDU), 2008 to 2011
- 2. 5thRegional Conference on Medical Journals in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, Karachi-Pakistan, Dec. 02-05, 2010
- 3. Proceedings of Training Workshop on Library & Info-rmation Management 3-5 May 2011
- 4. Associated of Nematodes with Rice and Their Control: Control Using Organic Soil Amendments, 2011
- 5. Nematodes of Wheat in Pakistan and Their Control: Nematodes Associated with Wheat and Different Management Practices, 2011
- 6. Anwar Nasim A Versatile Human, 2010
- 1. COMSTECH News 2011, (September)
- 2. Newsletter Pakistan Academy of Sciences 2011, Vol. 6(3) (July)
- 3. Newsletter, PPS: An Official Publication of Pakistan Phytopathological Society, 2011, Vol.17 (1) (June)
- 4. Veterinary News and Views(Urdu & English) 2011, Vol. 6(44, 47)
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