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Fresh Arrivals (VOL.7 NO.10 -10 -2011)

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  1. 1. Agrometeorological Bulletin of Pakistan 2011, September
  2. 2. Engineering Review 2011, Vol. 36(16-18)
  3. 3. Global Science (Urdu) 2011, April, June-August
  4. 4. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 2011, Vol. 13(5)
  5. 5. Journal of the Dow University of Health Sciences (JDUHS) 2010, Vol. 4(3)
  6. 6. Kisan Risala (Urdu) 2011, Vol. 8(11)
  7. 7. Pak Jamhurial 2011, Vol. 52(4)
  8. 9. Pakistan .Journal of Botan) 2011, Vol. 43(4)
  9. 9. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences-2011, Vol. 27(4)
  10. 10. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research 2011, Vol. 26(1)
  11. 11. Pakistan Journal of Science (PJS) 2011, Vol. 63(03)
  12. 12. Pakistan Journal of Sientific and Industrial Research Series B: Biological Sciences 2011, Vol. 54(2)
  13. 13. Pakistan Pictorial 2011, July-August
  14. 14. Pakistan 'Veterinary Journal 2011, Vol. 31(3)
  15. 15. Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences 2011, Vol. 48(2)
  16. 16. Science Technology and Development 2010, Vol. 29(3-4)
  17. 17. The Fountain 2011, September-October (83)
  18. 18. The Nucleus 2011, Vol. 48(3)
  1. 1. AMA Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America 2011, Vol. 42(3)
  2. 2. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2011, Vol.s89(10)
  3. 3. Indian Journal of Chemical Technology. 2011, Vol. 18(4)
  4. 4. Indian Journal of Chemistry (Section B): Organic Including Medicinal, 2011, Vol. 50B(10)
  5. 5. Indian Jourhal of Experimental Biology 2011, Vol. 49(10)
  6. 6. Indian Journal of Fibre & Textile Research 2011, Vol. 36(3)
  7. 7. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences 2011, Vol. 40(3)
  8. 8. Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics. 2011, Vol. 49(9)
  9. 9. Indian Journal of Radio & Space Physics 2011, Vol. 40(4)
  10. 10. Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research 2011, Vol. 70(10)
  11. 11. Turkish Review 2011, Vol.1(5)
  1. . 3 Years of Peoples Government (URDU), 2008 to 2011
  2. 2. 5thRegional Conference on Medical Journals in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, Karachi-Pakistan, Dec. 02-05, 2010
  3. 3. Proceedings of Training Workshop on Library & Info-rmation Management 3-5 May 2011
  4. 4. Associated of Nematodes with Rice and Their Control: Control Using Organic Soil Amendments, 2011
  5. 5. Nematodes of Wheat in Pakistan and Their Control: Nematodes Associated with Wheat and Different Management Practices, 2011
  6. 6. Anwar Nasim A Versatile Human, 2010
  1. 1. COMSTECH News 2011, (September)
  2. 2. Newsletter Pakistan Academy of Sciences 2011, Vol. 6(3) (July)
  3. 3. Newsletter, PPS: An Official Publication of Pakistan Phytopathological Society, 2011, Vol.17 (1) (June)
  4. 4. Veterinary News and Views(Urdu & English) 2011, Vol. 6(44, 47)
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