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Fresh Arrivals (VOL.7 NO.9 -9 -2011)

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  1. 1. Agrometeorological Bulletin of Pakistan 2011, July-August
  2. 2. Anesthesia Pain & Intensive Care 2011, Vol. 15(1)
  3. 3. Business Review 2011, Vol. 6(1)
  4. 4. Engineering Review 2011, Vol. 36(13-14)
  5. 5. Journal of Agriculture and Social Sciences 2011, Vol. 7(3) •
  6. 6. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences (JAPS) 2011, Vol. 21(2)
  7. 7. Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan 2011, Vol. 33(3)
  8. 8. Khabr-O-Nazar 2011, (Summer Issue)
  9. 9. Kisan Risala ',Urdu) 2011, Vol. 8(9-10)
  10. 10. Pakistan Journal of Medical Research 2011, Vol. 50(2)
  11. 11. akistan Journal of Phytopathology 2011, Vol. 23(1)
  12. 12. Pakktan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research (Series A Physical Sciences) 2011, Vol. 54(1-2)
  13. 13. Pakistan Journal of Weed Science Research 2011, Vol. 17(1)
  14. 14. Pakistan Oral and Dental Journal 2011, Vol. 31(1)
  15. 15. Pakistan Veterinary Journal 2011, Vol. 31(3)
  16. 16. Science Vision (A Journal of Science for Development)2009 Vol. 15(1)
  17. 17. Strategic Studies 2011, Vol. 31(1&2)
  1. 1. Annals of Library and Information Studies 2011, Vol. 58(2)
  2. 2. Appropriate Technology 2011, Vol. 38(2)
  3. 3. Bhartiya Vaigyanik Evam Audyogik Anusandhan Patrika 2011, Vol. 19(1)
  4. 4. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2011, Vol. 89(8-9)
  5. 5. Casting Plant and Technology International 2011, (3) .
  6. 6. Geoscience Frontiers 2011, Vol. 2(3)
  7. 7. Indian Journal of Biotechnology 2011, Vol. 10(3)
  8. 8. Indian Journal of Chemistry (Section A): Inorganic, Bio-Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical and Analytical. 2011, Vol. 50A(8)
  9. 9. Indian Journal of Chemistry (Section B): Organic Including Medicinal, 2011, Vol. 50B(8-9)
  10. 10. Indian Journal of Engineering & Materials Sciences 2011, Vol. 18(3)
  11. 11. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 2011, Vol. 49(8-9)
  12. 12. Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources 2011, Vol. 2(2)
  13. 13. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge 2011, Vol. 10(3)
  14. 14. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences 2011, Vol. 10(2)
  15. 15. JFE 2011, Vol. 8(28)
  16. 16. Journal of Intellectual Property Rights 2011, Vol. 16(4)
  17. 17. Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research 2011, Vol. 70(7-9)
  18. 18. MPT International 2011, Vol. 34(4)
  19. 19. Nature: International Weekly Journal of Science 2011, Vol. 474(7349-7357)
  20. 20. Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences 2011, Vol. 47(3)
  21. 21. Science Weekly 2011, Vol. 332-233(6034-6040)
  22. 22. The Fountair 2011, (82)
  1. 1. Annual Progress Report 2011, International Centre for Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS)
  2. 2. Air-Water Experiments in a Vertical DN200-Pipe FZD-505, 2008
  3. 3. International Programme on Chemical Society (IPCS) WHO
  4. 4. Luft-Wasser Experiments im Vertikalen DN200-Rohr, FZD 504, 2008
  5. 5. Metal Nanoparticles/Nanowires Self-assembly on Ripple Patterned Substrate: HZDR-007
  6. 6. Spektroskopiche Unitersuchungen Zur Komplexbildung von Cm(III) UND Eu(III)
  7. Organischen Modellliganden Sowie Ihrer chemischen bindungsform in menschlichem Urin (in Vitro): HZDR-006, 2011
  8. 7. WTZ mit Ru:sland-Transientenanalysen fur wassergekuhlte Kernreaktoren:
  9. FZD-543, 2010
  10. 8. Zur Aufnahme and Bindung Von Uran (VI) Durch die Grunalge Chella Vulgaris: HZDR-005, 2011
  1. . COMSATS Newsletter 2011, Vol. 3(3)
  2. 2. ERCIM News 2011 (85)
  3. 3. IFRO Newsletter 2010, (62&63)
  4. 4. ISECO Newsletter 2011, (87)
  5. 5. National Centre of Excellence in Analytical Chemistry Newsletter 2011
  6. 6. Outlook 2011, Vol. 28(1)
  7. 7. senate News !011, Vol. 11(2)
  8. 8. Pak Atom Newsletter 2011, (July-August)
  9. 9. PSN Newsletter 2011, Vol. 10(2)
  10. 10. Newsletter University of Sargodha 2011, Vol. 5(5-6)
  11. 11. Khabar Nama Hamdard 2011, Vol. 51(6-7)
  12. 12. UAAR News 2011, Vol. 10(6-7)
  13. 13. COMSTECH News 2011, July-August
  14. 14. Veterinary News and Views(Urdu & English) 2011, Vol. 6(23,32,36-42)
  15. 15. CSIR News 2011, Vol. 61(11-14)
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