- 1. Agrometeorological Bulletin of Pakistan 2011, July
- 2. Anesthesia Pain & Intensive Care 2011, Vol.15(1)
- 3. Business Review 2011, Vol. 6(1)
- 4. Engineering Review 2011, Vol. 36(13-14)
- 5. Journal of Agriculture and Social Sciences 2011, Vol. 7(3)
- 6. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences (JAPS) 2011, Vol. 21(2)
- 7. Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan 2011, Vol. 33(3)
- 8. Khabr-O-Nazar 2011, (Summer Issue)
- 9. Kisan Risala (Urdu) 2011, Vol. 8(9-10)
- 10. Pakistan Journal of Medical Research 2011, Vol. 50(2)
- 11. Pakistan Journal of Phytopathology 2011, Vol. 23(1)
- 12. Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research (Series A Physical Sciences) 2011, Vol. 54(1-2)
- 13. Pakistan Journal of Weed Science Research 2011, Vol. 17(1)
- 14. Pakistan Oral and Dental Journal 2011, Vol. 31(1)
- 15. Science Vision (A Journal of Science for Development)2009 Vol. 15(1)
- 1. Annals of Library and Information Studies 2011, Vol. 58(2)
- 2. Appropriate Technology 2011, Vol. 38(2)
- 3. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2011, Vol. 89(8)
- 4. Geoscience Frontiers 2011, Vol. 2(3)
- 5. Indian Journal of Biotechnology 2011, Vol. 10(3)
- 6. Indian Journal of Chemistry (Section A): Inorganic, Bio-Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical and Analytical. 2011, Vol. 50A(8)
- 7. Indian Journal of Chemistry (Section B): Organic Including Medicinal, 2011, Vol. 50B(8)
- 8. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 2011, Vol. 49(8-9)
- 9. Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources 2011, Vol. 2(2)
- 10. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge 2011, Vol. 10(3)
- 11. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences 2011, Vol. 10(2)
- 12. JFE 2011, Vol. 8(28)
- 13. Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research 2011, Vol. 70(7)
- 14. Nature: International Weekly Journal of Science 2011, Vol. 474(7349-7357)
- 15. Science Weekly 2011, Vol.332-233(6034-6040)
- 16. The Fountain 2011, (82)
- 1. Annual Progress Report 2011, International Centre for Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS)
- 2. Air-Water experiments in a vertical DN200-Pipe FZD-505, 2008
- 3. International Programme on Chemical Society (IPCS) WHO
- 4. Luft-Wasser Experiments im vertikalen DN200-Rohr, FZD 504, 2008
- 5. Metal Nanoparticles/Nanowires Self-assembly on Ripple Patterned Substrate HZDR-007
- 6. Spektroskopiche Unitersuchungen Zur Komplexildung von Cm(III) UND Eu(III) Mit Organischen Modellliganden Sowie Ihrer chemischen bindungsform in menschlichem Urin (in Vitro) HZDR-006, 2011
- 7. WTZ mit Russland-Transientenanalysen fur wassergekuhlte Kernreaktoren FZD-543, 2010
- 8. Zur Aufnahme and Bindung Von Uran (VI) Durch die Grunalge Chella Vulgaris HZDR-005, 2011
- 1. COMSATS Newsletter 2011, Vol. 3(3)
- 2. COMSTECH News 2011, July-August
- 3. CSIR News 2011, Vol. 61(11-12)
- 4. ERCIM News 2011 (85)
- 5. IFRO Newsletter 2010, (62&63)
- 6. ISECO Newsletter 2011, (87)
- 7. Khabar Nama Hamdard 2011, Vol. 51(6-7)
- 8. National Centre of Excellence in Analytical Chemistry Newsletter 2011
- 9. Newsletter University of Sargodha 2011, Vol. 5(5-6)
- 10. Outlook 2011, Vol. 28(1)
- 11. Senate News 2011, Vol. 11(2)
- 12. UAAR News 2011, Vol. 10(6-7)
- 13. Veterinary News and Views(Urdu & English) 2011, Vol. 6(23,32,36-41)
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