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Fresh Arrivals (VOL.7 NO.5 -5 -2011)

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  1. 1. Agrometeorological Bulletin of Pakistan 2011, April
  2. 2. Business Review 2010, Vol.36(5)
  3. 3. Engineering Horizons 2011, Vol. 23(273)
  4. 4. Hamdard Medicus 2010, Vol. 53(4)
  5. 5. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 2011, Vol. 13(3)
  6. 6. Journal of Agriculture and Social Sciences 2011, Vol. 7(1-2)
  7. 7. Journal of the Dow University of Health Sciences (JDUHS) 2010, Vol. 4(2)
  8. 8. Kisan Risala 2011, Vol. 8(6)
  9. 9. Mahnama Dawaha (Urdu) 2011, Vol. 17(9-10)
  10. 10. Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering & Technology 2011, Vol. 30(1)
  11. 11. NED University Journal of Research 2009-2010 Vol. 6-7(2,1)
  12. 12. NUST Journal of Natural Science 2010, Vol. 1(July-Dec.)
  13. 13. Pak Jamuriat Lahore (Urdu) 2011, Vol. 52(2)
  14. 14. Pakistan Journal of Analytical and Environmental Chemistry 2010, Vol. 11(2)
  15. 15. Pakistan Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (UET) 2011, Vol. 8(January)
  16. 16. Pakistan Journal of Science 2011, Vol. 63(1)
  17. 17. Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research (Series B: Biological
  18. Sciences) 2011, Vol. 54(1)
  19. 18. Pakistan Pictorial 2011, (March-April)
  20. 19. Soil & Environment 2011, Vol. 30(1)
  21. 20. The Environ Monitor 2011, Vol. 11(1-3)
  1. 1. AMA Agricultural Mechanisation In Asia 2011, Vol. 42(1)
  2. 2. Bhartiya Vaigyanikevam Audyogik Anusandhan Patrika 2010, Vol. 18(2)
  3. 3. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2011, Vol. 89(5)
  4. 4. Geo science Frontiers 2010, Vol. 1(1)
  5. 5. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge 2011, Vol. 10(2)
  6. 6. Indian Journal of Biotechnology 2011, Vol. 10(1-2)
  7. 7. Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Sciences 2011, Vol. 18(1)
  8. 8. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 2011, Vol. 49(1-5)
  9. 9. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences 2011, Vol. 40(1)
  10. 10. Indian Science Abstracts 2010, Vol. 46(19)
  11. 11. Journal of Intellectual Property Rights 2011 Vol. 16(2)
  12. 12. Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research 2011, Vol. 70(5)
  13. 13. MPT International (Metallurgical Plant & Technology) 2011, Vol. 34(2)
  14. 14. Publication of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences Kyoto University 2001, Vol. 47(1)
  1. 1. Design Guidelines for Low Energy Housing with Validated Effectiveness:
  2. 2. Zur Wechselwirkung Von Uran Mit Den Bioliganden Citronensaure and Glucose Wissenschaftlich- Technische Berichte 2011, HZDR-008
  3. 3. Annual Report 2010, Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research HZDR-002
  4. 4. Annual Report 2010, Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research HZDR-001
  5. 5. Scanning Near-Field Infrared Micro-Spectroscopy on Semiconductor Structures Wissenschaftlich- Technische Berichte 2011, HZDR-009
  6. (Hot Humid Region Edition) 2010 December, BRI Research Paper No. 149
  1. 1. COMSTECH News 2011, (April)
  2. 2. CSIR News 2011, Vol. 61(7-8)
  3. 3. MRC News 2011, Vol. 28(January)
  4. 4. Newsletter Pakistan Forest Institute, Peshawar 2011, Vol. 3(1)
  5. 5. Pak Atom News Letter 2011, (March7April)
  6. 6. PINSAT News 2011, Vol. 2(1)
  7. 7. UAAR News 2011, Vol. 10(4)
  8. 8. University of Sargodha Newsletter 2011, Vol. 5(3-4)
  9. 9. Veterinary News and Views( Urdu & English) 2011, Vol. 6(25-26)
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