- 1. Agrometeorological Bulletin of Pakistan 2011, April
- 2. Business Review 2010, Vol.36(5)
- 3. Engineering Horizons 2011, Vol. 23(273)
- 4. Hamdard Medicus 2010, Vol. 53(4)
- 5. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 2011, Vol. 13(3)
- 6. Journal of Agriculture and Social Sciences 2011, Vol. 7(1-2)
- 7. Journal of the Dow University of Health Sciences (JDUHS) 2010, Vol. 4(2)
- 8. Kisan Risala 2011, Vol. 8(6)
- 9. Mahnama Dawaha (Urdu) 2011, Vol. 17(9-10)
- 10. Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering & Technology 2011, Vol. 30(1)
- 11. NED University Journal of Research 2009-2010 Vol. 6-7(2,1)
- 12. NUST Journal of Natural Science 2010, Vol. 1(July-Dec.)
- 13. Pak Jamuriat Lahore (Urdu) 2011, Vol. 52(2)
- 14. Pakistan Journal of Analytical and Environmental Chemistry 2010, Vol. 11(2)
- 15. Pakistan Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (UET) 2011, Vol. 8(January)
- 16. Pakistan Journal of Science 2011, Vol. 63(1)
- 17. Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research (Series B: Biological
- Sciences) 2011, Vol. 54(1)
- 18. Pakistan Pictorial 2011, (March-April)
- 19. Soil & Environment 2011, Vol. 30(1)
- 20. The Environ Monitor 2011, Vol. 11(1-3)
- 1. AMA Agricultural Mechanisation In Asia 2011, Vol. 42(1)
- 2. Bhartiya Vaigyanikevam Audyogik Anusandhan Patrika 2010, Vol. 18(2)
- 3. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2011, Vol. 89(5)
- 4. Geo science Frontiers 2010, Vol. 1(1)
- 5. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge 2011, Vol. 10(2)
- 6. Indian Journal of Biotechnology 2011, Vol. 10(1-2)
- 7. Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Sciences 2011, Vol. 18(1)
- 8. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 2011, Vol. 49(1-5)
- 9. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences 2011, Vol. 40(1)
- 10. Indian Science Abstracts 2010, Vol. 46(19)
- 11. Journal of Intellectual Property Rights 2011 Vol. 16(2)
- 12. Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research 2011, Vol. 70(5)
- 13. MPT International (Metallurgical Plant & Technology) 2011, Vol. 34(2)
- 14. Publication of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences Kyoto University 2001, Vol. 47(1)
- 1. Design Guidelines for Low Energy Housing with Validated Effectiveness:
- 2. Zur Wechselwirkung Von Uran Mit Den Bioliganden Citronensaure and Glucose Wissenschaftlich- Technische Berichte 2011, HZDR-008
- 3. Annual Report 2010, Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research HZDR-002
- 4. Annual Report 2010, Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research HZDR-001
- 5. Scanning Near-Field Infrared Micro-Spectroscopy on Semiconductor Structures Wissenschaftlich- Technische Berichte 2011, HZDR-009
- (Hot Humid Region Edition) 2010 December, BRI Research Paper No. 149
- 1. COMSTECH News 2011, (April)
- 2. CSIR News 2011, Vol. 61(7-8)
- 3. MRC News 2011, Vol. 28(January)
- 4. Newsletter Pakistan Forest Institute, Peshawar 2011, Vol. 3(1)
- 5. Pak Atom News Letter 2011, (March7April)
- 6. PINSAT News 2011, Vol. 2(1)
- 7. UAAR News 2011, Vol. 10(4)
- 8. University of Sargodha Newsletter 2011, Vol. 5(3-4)
- 9. Veterinary News and Views( Urdu & English) 2011, Vol. 6(25-26)
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