- 1. Agrometeorological Bulletin of Pakistan 2010, (June-July)
- 2. Agricultural Abstracts Bulletin 2010, Vol. 29(1-2)
- 3. Anaesthesia, Pain and Intensive Care 2010, Vol. 14(1)
- 4. Engineering Horizons 2010, Vol. 23(264)
- 5. Engineering Review 2010, Vol. 35(11-14)
- 6. Environ Monitor 2010, Vol. X(5-6)
- 7. Hamdard Medicus 2009, Vol. 52(3)
- 8. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 2010, Vol. 12(4)
- 9. Journal of Agricultural Research 2010, Vol. 48(1-2)
- 10. Journal of Agriculture and Social Sciences 2010, Vol. 6(2-3)
- 11. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences (JAPS) 2010, Vol. 20(2)
- 12. Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 2010, Vol.6(2)
- 13. Journal of the Dow University of Health Sciences (JDUSH) 2009, Vol. 3(3)
- 14. Kisan Risala 2010, Vol. 7(8-9)
- 15. Khbernama-e-Hamdard (Urdu) 2010, Vol. 50(7-8)
- 16. Mahnama Dawaha (Urdu) 2010, Vol. 16-17(12,1&2)
- 17. Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal(PAFMJ) 2010, Vol. 60(2)
- 18. Pak Jamuriat Lahore (Urdu) 2010, Vol. 51(6)
- 19. Pakistan Journal of Botany 2010, Vol. 42(2)
- 20. Pakistan Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (See Also UET Resarch
- Journal) 2010, Vol. 6(January)
- 21. Pakistan Journal of Entomology Karachi 2010, Vol. 25(1)
- 22. Pakistan Oral and Dental Journal 2010, Vol. 30(1)
- 23. Pakistan Journal of Ophthalmology. (PJO) 2010, Vol. 26(2)
- 24. Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2010, Vol. 23(3)
- 25. Pakistan Journal of Statistics 2010, Vol. 26(2-3)
- 26. Science International 2010, Vol. 22(2)
- 27. Science Technology and Development 2010, Vol. 29(1)
- 5. Management Outlook 2010,Vol. 16(3)
- 6. Pak Atom News Letter 2010, May-June
- 7. PSF News 2010, Vol. 8(1)
- 8. SMEDA News Letter 2010, Vol. 3(1)
- 9. TERISCOPE Newsletter 2010, (March-June)
- 10. ERCIM Newsletter 2010 (82)
- 11. UAAR News 2010, Vol. 9(7)
- 12. Varsity News 2010, Vol. 38(1)
- 1. Annals of Library and Information Studies 2010, Vol. 57(2)
- 2. Arabian Journal for Science & Engineering 2010, Vol. 35(1B)
- 3. Geological Review 2010, Vol. 56(1-2)
- 4. Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics 2010, 47(3)
- 5. Indian Journal of Biotechnology 2010, Vol.fr(3)
- 6. Indian Journal of Chemical Technology 2010, Vol. 17(4)
- 7. Indian Journal of Chemistry (Section A): Inorganic, Bio-Inorganic, Phycial,
- Theoretical and Analytical 2010, 49A(7-8)
- 8. Indian Journal of Chemistry (Section B): Organic Including Medicinal 2010, Vol. 49B(7-8)
- 9. Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Sciences 2010, Vol. 17(3)
- 10. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 2010, Vol. 48(6-8)
- 11. Indian Journal of Fiber and Textile Research 2010, Vol. 35(2)
- 12. Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics 2010, Vol. 48(7-8)
- 13. Indian Journal of Radio and Space Physics 2010, Vol. 39(3)
- 14. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge 2010, Vol. 9(3)
- 15. Indian Science Abstracts 2010, Vol. 46(10-12)
- 16. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences 2010, Vol. 9(2)
- 17. Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research 2010, Vol. 69(6-8)
- 18. Journal of Shijiazhuang University of Economics, China 2010, Vol. 33(1)
- 19. Medicinal & Aromatic Plants Abstracts 2010, Vol. 32(2)
- it
- 1. Strontium and Strontium Compounds WHO, 2010
- 2. Gender Perspectives in Mountain Development ICIMOD, 2010 (57)
- 3. The WHO Recommended Classification of Pesticides by Hazard and Guidelines to Classification, 2010
- 1. CSIR News 2010, Vol. 60(11-12)
- 2. COMSTECH News 2010, August
- 3. IFRO Newsletter 2009, (58-59)
- 4. Khabr-o-Nazar News Letter 2010, June-August
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